My name is Katy.
I'm a Software Developer working remotely from Portland, OR.



Merkato Ethiopian

A fun, animated site to welcome visitors to the Merkato Ethiopian in NE Portland. Built with Javascript/jQuery, Animate, Wow, Bootstrap, and custom logo design.

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Whole Life Chiropractic

A business site for a local chiropractic practice, tailored with WordPress and BoldGrid.

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2 Sites in One - A business site built with Jekyll, and a sister site for online courses built with WordPress and Learndash LMS.

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Happy Camel

An customized e-commerce site built with Wordpress and WooCommerce.

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Open Source & Fun Experiments

Oregon Plates API

A Python/Flask API made as a contribution to the quirky Oregon Plates project.



A Python/Flask app that queries the DMV2U SQLite database to find data about vanity license plates in Oregon.


Dog Identifier

A fun project using TensorFlow JS and pre-trained models to identify dog breeds.

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Epicodus Code School

Creature Teacher

An ASP.NET Core MVC web application designed to teach young users about DNA and Codons by creating creatures and mixing their DNA.


Park Finder

A C#.NET Core RESTful API with a seeded MySQL database containing all National Parks. Corresponding client-side app is linked in the GitHub repository.


Neumorphic Tap Room

A React/Redux application to manage keg and pint inventories for a tap room.

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Survey Creator

A React/Redux web application for making dynamic survey forms and taking surveys others have made. Hosted with Firebase.

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Karaoke Party

A mobile-first app that allows users to set songs to a shared playlist with their phones via Firebase and then read from a connected monitor.

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Stock Market Game

A Python/Flask app that calls the AlphaVantage API to allow user to make pretend investments and see how their portfolio fares over time.


About Me

I am a former education professional, non-profit leader, and e-commerce entrepreneur who fell in love with software development. I'm now a freelance developer with a focus on thoughtfully-designed user interfaces and web experiences that leave users frustration-free.

My favorite tools of the trade include Javascript/jQuery, ReactJS, C#/.NET, Python/Flask, and WordPress/PHP.

Outside of the terminal, you'll find me riding my cargo bike around Portland, gardening in my backyard, baking something from The Great British Baking Show, or snuggling verygooddogsyestheyare.


Please reach out! I'd love to hear from you.