Debugging a Broken JavaScript Build: Fixing Dependency Issues, Parcel, and Aliases

A deep dive into resolving outdated dependencies, broken aliases, and Parcel v2 migration issues while debugging a JavaScript build failure.

If you've ever worked on a long-standing JavaScript project, you know the pain of updating dependencies and dealing with broken builds. I recently went through this experience while trying to update ABTestBase, a project that had accumulated outdated dependencies, breaking aliases, and package conflicts.

This post is a deep dive into what went wrong, how I fixed it, and what I learned along the way.

🚨 The Problem: A Broken Build System

It started with a simple command:

npm run build

And then... everything fell apart.

Errors Encountered

  • Outdated Browserslist Warning
    Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
    npx update-browserslist-db@latest
  • Conflicting ESLint Versions
    npm ERR! peer eslint@"^5.16.0 || ^6.1.0" from eslint-config-airbnb-base@14.0.0
  • Parcel Flags No Longer Supported
    error: unknown option '-d'
    error: unknown option '--experimental-scope-hoisting'
  • Aliases Not Resolving
    @parcel/core: Failed to resolve '<UTILS>/addInternalCSS'

These issues came from years of dependency drift. Updating a single package like parcel or eslint broke others, leading to a painful dependency resolution process.

🛠️ Step 1: Updating Outdated Dependencies

Since some of the errors were related to outdated libraries, I started by updating core dependencies:

npm update caniuse-lite browserslist

That didn't fix everything, so I ran:

npm audit fix --force

Which resolved security vulnerabilities in:

  • tar (arbitrary file overwrite vulnerability)
  • semver (Regular Expression Denial of Service)
  • tough-cookie (Prototype Pollution vulnerability)

🛠️ Step 2: Fixing Parcel Issues

Parcel had been upgraded from v1 to v2, meaning some old CLI flags no longer worked.
For example:
Old Build Command (Parcel v1)

parcel build v1.js -d build --experimental-scope-hoisting --cache-dir ./.cache

New Build Command (Parcel v2)

parcel build v1.js --dist-dir ./build --cache-dir ./.cache

I also had to remove @babel/preset-env from my babel.config.json, since Parcel v2 automatically transpiles modern JavaScript.

🛠️ Step 3: Fixing Broken Aliases

ABTestBase used custom aliases like <UTILS>, <LIBRARY>, and <GET> for imports. Unfortunately, Parcel v2 doesn’t support angle-bracket aliases (<>).

I modified package.json to use standard aliases:

"alias": {
  "UTILS": "./Library/Utils",
  "LIBRARY": "./Library"

And then updated my imports:

// ❌ Old (Did Not Work)
import addInternalCSS from '<UTILS>/addInternalCSS';
// ✅ New (Fixed)
import addInternalCSS from 'UTILS/addInternalCSS';

Still, Parcel refused to recognize the aliases until I explicitly defined them in .parcelrc:

  "extends": "@parcel/config-default",
  "resolvers": ["@parcel/resolver-default"]

🛠️ Step 4: Ensuring Builds Work from Any Test Directory

The build process originally only worked from the project root, but I wanted to run npm run build inside any test directory:

cd Accounts/TheGood/Tests/SoftwareUpdateTest
npm run build

To fix this, I modified the build script to detect the current working directory:

"build": "parcel build ./v1.js --dist-dir $PWD/build --cache-dir $PWD/.cache"

Now, no matter which test directory I’m in, the build output is placed inside its own build/ folder.

🎯 Key Takeaways

  • Old Projects Accumulate Technical Debt

    • Even if everything worked fine yesterday, dependency updates can break your project in unexpected ways.
  • Parcel v2 Has Major Changes

    • Old CLI flags don’t work (-d--dist-dir, --experimental-scope-hoisting is removed).
    • Built-in transpilation means you don’t need @babel/preset-env.
    • Aliases need explicit configuration in package.json and .parcelrc.
  • Fixing One Issue Can Break Another

    • Updating ESLint forced updates to eslint-config-airbnb-base.
    • Removing Babel configs required rethinking Parcel’s built-in features.
    • Changing alias handling forced updates to every import statement in the codebase.

🚀 Final Thoughts

After hours of debugging, I finally had a working build process again. More importantly, I learned a ton about dependency management, Parcel v2, and alias handling.

If you’re maintaining an old project, update dependencies carefully and be prepared for a cascade of fixes. It’s painful, but in the end, your project will be more stable and easier to maintain.